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Cultivating the Empty Field

Our experienced reality is a weave of consciousness – of feelings, impressions and responses that interact and co-arise with a world that seems to be outside us. However, in Buddhism, ‘self” and ‘world” are aspects of an interconnected cosmos. This cosmos is a field within which we can cultivate sacred, Dhamma qualities that heal, harmonise and empty the field of grasping and its consequent suffering.’

The retreat will be guided by practices of relinquishment, devotion and contemplation. These include chanting, moral and renunciant precepts, and mindfulness immersed in the body. There will also be occasions of small group interactive practice.

This retreat is open to practitioners with previous experience of at least 3 meditation retreats.

About Ajahn Sucitto

Ajahn Sucitto was born in London in 1949 and became a bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) in Thailand in 1976. He was abbot of Cittaviveka Monastery in West Sussex, England, between 1992 and 2014. He still resides and teaches there.

Ajahn Sucitto has taught extensively since 1981. He has a website that presents his forthcoming teaching engagements, as well as a selection of his books and articles.


In person Rates

R5150pp shared room with shared bathroom

R5600pp single room with shared bathroom

R6100pp single room with ensuite bathroom

Online Rates

Sliding Scale payment: $100 – $200/R2000-R4000

Teaching on this retreat is offered freely in the spirit of dana. We welcome free will offerings in appreciation for the teacher. To book email

21 March

The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams